Maximizing The Results From Your Furnace Replacement
The furnace is the core component of your home's heating system. This can allow problems with the furnace to impact the entire home's interior. As with the various other appliances that make life in your home more comfortable, the furnace will eventually have to be upgraded or replaced to account for wear and general aging.
Ensure The Replacement Furnace Can Fit In The Area
Homeowners will often want to upgrade to a larger furnace when they are making this investment in the home. However, it will be necessary to ensure that the furnace can comfortably fit in the area where the previous one was located. At a minimum, this should include at least a foot of clearance space on each side of the furnace to allow for airflow and to reduce the risk of accidental fires occurring. Additionally, a furnace that is too close to the wall can actually damage it due to the intense and consistent heat that it produces.
Have Backup Heaters For When The Replacement Is Being Done
While homeowners will usually want to replace the furnace system during the warm months, major malfunctions or other problems can lead to this work needing to be done during the winter. When the furnace is being upgraded, the home will have to be without a source of heat, and while this work can usually be done in a single day, the interior of the home can still drop to extremely uncomfortable levels. This problem can be compounded if the furnace was particularly complicated or if other changes were needed that caused this process to last for multiple days. Having a source of backup heat for the duration of the furnace replacement process can keep the interior of the home a comfortable temperature throughout the duration of the replacement work.
Replace The Thermostat At The Same Time
Upgrading the thermostat can provide performance improvements for the home's heating system in a number of ways. For example, the thermostat will suffer wear over the years, and replacing it will ensure that it is working as efficiently and reliably as possible. Additionally, if your thermostat was older, you may be able to utilize modern features, such as energy reporting, programmable temperatures, and remote control. Replacing a thermostat can be a relatively inexpensive when compared to the price of replacing the furnace, but it can play a disproportionate role in determining the overall efficiency and reliability of the home's heating system.
To learn more, contact a furnace replacement service.