Heating System Repairs To End Winter And Get Ready For Spring
As winter comes to an end, your heating system has been straining for months to keep your home warm. This may mean that there are some repairs that need to be done. You want to make sure to take care of these repairs before the problems get worse. The following heating system repairs will help you get ready for spring.
Dealing with Blower Fan Problems
The blower fan is one of the heating problems you may have to deal with before turning your system off. If you are using your HVAC system for heating and cooling, the AC may use the same blower motor. It is important to take care of these HVAC blower problems before summer. Some of the issues with the furnace blower that may need to be repaired include:
- Issues with the blower case and fan blades
- Problems with bearings, bushings, and other worn parts
- Issues with the blower fan motor freezing or wearing out
The blower fan issues can be serious problems that need to be repaired before summer. Therefore, you may want to have these issues repaired this spring when doing other repairs to your furnace and HVAC system.
Furnace Pilot Light Issues That Need Repairs
The pilot light is another component of your furnace that can cause issues that need to be repaired. Some of the problems with the pilot light and heating elements that may need to be repaired include:
- Carbon buildup causing issues with the pilot light
- Gas valves causing issues with the pilot light and furnace
- Issues with the thermocouple causing pilot light problems
These are some of the issues with your furnace pilot light that may need to be repaired.
Dealing with Thermocouple Issues
The system also has a security feature, which is the thermocouple. This special sensor detects the heat from the pilot light and will shut the gas off when there is a problem. Sometimes, the thermocouple goes bad and can cause several issues with your heating system. Therefore, you may need to have the thermocouple replaced before turning the furnace off for the summer months.
Radiant Heating System Problems That Need Repairs
There are other types of heating systems that may need to be repaired before spring. There may be problems with boilers, pipes, or radiators that need to be repaired before turning the heating off. Sometimes, issues with the radiant heating plumbing can cause emergencies that need to be taken care of quickly before they cause damage. Therefore, some repairs may need to be done to the heating system and the plumbing in your home when getting ready for summer weather.
These are some of the heating system repairs that are going to be needed as winter comes to an end. Contact a heating repair service for help fixing these issues before turning your system off.